4 New Year's Resolutions For A Healthy 2018 | Tennessee Valley Urology Center
As we begin another new year, now is the time for making new beginnings and healthy resolutions. Creating healthy new habits can be both exciting and stressful, since the reality is that change is hard for all of us. Here at the Tennessee Valley Urology Center, we want to help our community get healthy, and we’ve put together a list of four simple, but totally attainable, goals for a healthy 2018.
Drink more water.
Put down the sweet tea, folks. One of the best things you can do for your health is stay well hydrated, and favor water over sweetened drinks. Adequate hydration is essential for optimal urologic health, so if you are prone to urinary tract infections or kidney stones, be sure to prioritize your water intake this year.
Eat less sugar.
We know, no one really wants to hear this, but it’s true–cutting down on your sugar intake is a huge step we all can take for better health. Excess sugar intake contributes to obesity, diabetes, kidney problems, UTIs, and cancer. Not sure where to start? Try these tips.
See your doctor.
For many people, a trip to the doctor’s office is hardly something they look forward to, but making and keeping those appointments is imperative to a healthy year. If you’re experiencing uncomfortable or embarrassing urologic symptoms, please don’t put off seeing a physician! Remember, we treat folks just like you every day, with compassion and courtesy.
Lose extra weight.
If you’re carrying around excess weight, make a commitment to lose at least 10%. That means if you’re 60 pounds overweight, commit to losing just 6 pounds and keeping it off. Experts agree that it’s a small step with a big impact–it can help reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
What are some of the most common reasons to visit a urologist?
What are your resolutions for the new year? [Be sure to visit our website today to learn more about our center and services], and feel free to give us a call with any questions at (423) 472-3201(http://www.tnvalleyurology.net/).