Bladder Control & Pregnancy: What You Should Know | Tennessee Valley Urology Center
There are so many joys of pregnancy! You have the ability to feel your baby kick or have hiccups for the first time. You are able to enjoy that pregnancy glow. You have eager anticipation of what’s next in life.
But one not-so-enjoyable aspect of pregnancy can be a loss of bladder control. It’s a fairly common effect during pregnancy, so our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants to share some insight on the topic.
The Truth About Bladder Control and Pregnancy
During pregnancy, many women report having urine leakage, which is also known as urinary incontinence. While the bladder issues might go away after birth, they can continue even after having your baby, which is when further treatment options might be needed.
As you get further and further along in your pregnancy, your baby is pushing your organs, including your bladder, out of the way in order to make room. Therefore, you might find that the simplest thing—like a laugh, sneeze or cough—can lead to a urine leak. This is completely normal, and, for the most part, ends when your bundle of joy is in your arms.
However, sometimes during childbirth, you can experience a condition called pelvic organ prolapse, which is when your pelvic muscles are weakened due to pregnancy and/or childbirth and are no longer able to provide strength for bladder control.
Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse include:
- Feeling pressure or fullness in the pelvic area
- Low backache
- Painful intercourse
- A feeling that something is falling out of the vagina
- Urinary problems like leaking of urine
- Constipation
If you are diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse, there are ways to treat the condition so that you can get back to enjoying your new bundle of joy. From certain medications to physical therapy to surgery, our team can help you find the best treatment option for your specific needs.
Did your bladder issues stick around even after your baby was born? Make an appointment with Tennessee Valley Urology Center today to find relief as soon as possible to get back to your quality of life.