Diabetic? Here's How You Can Sleep Better | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

If you have type two diabetes, getting adequate sleep is incredibly important. Skimping on sleep can negatively impact blood sugar levels and stress your whole body, causing it to release hormones like cortisol, which increases blood sugar levels. Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants to help you stay healthy with diabetes and get great sleep.

Related: Read more about diabetic sleep problems.

Check out these tips:

Make sleep your priority.
Most adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, but many people don’t give themselves enough time for sleep. For those with chronic conditions like diabetes, it’s even more critical. Keep in mind that good sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Keep your diabetes under control.
Did you know that when your blood sugar dips too high or too low, it can wake you up at night? Keeping your blood sugar levels within your target range will help support better sleep. That means you’ve got to follow your treatment plan, and take any medications exactly as prescribed.

Consider sleep apnea.
The sleep disorder, sleep apnea, is common among diabetics. If you’re overweight and have excess fat in your neck, it can cause your breathing to start and stop while you’re asleep. If you–or your partner–thinks you might have sleep apnea, ask your doctor about a sleep test. The condition can be treated with nighttime breathing devices along with lifestyle changes like losing weight and quitting smoking.

Related: Learn more about sleep apnea.

Create a sleep routine.
It helps to have a regular routine for the time you go to bed and the time you wake up—even on weekends and the holidays. A consistent sleep schedule helps your body’s internal clock perform at its best so you can fall asleep and wake up more easily.

Turn off your devices.
Uh oh. Studies show that exposure to bright light (including that from a smartphone or tablet) increase insulin resistance. You should turn off bright light sources, like your phone, TV, and computer at least an hour before bedtime. Be sure to keep your bedroom dark throughout the night so you sleep better.

Let’s make sure you get the best possible sleep despite having diabetes. You can visit our website to learn about our services and schedule call today to schedule your appointment at Tennessee Valley Urology Center.