Embarrassed? Don't Let It Keep You From the Doctor | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

When it comes to a broken bone or a headache, it’s no big deal to discuss those issues with a physician. However, when it comes to embarrassing problems like a leaky bladder or passing wind, you probably hold off on seeking medical attention.

However, putting your symptoms aside because of embarrassment can cause more issues in the long run. At Tennessee Valley Urology Center, we want you to feel confident in seeking care for urological issues.

We Are Here to Help

Silence is not the best choice when it comes to dealing with urological issues, especially if these embarrassing symptoms turn out to be serious health issues.

If you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention:

  • Blood in urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Passing air or stool in urine
  • Pain with sex
  • Painful urination
  • Post-menopausal vaginal bleeding
  • Stress incontinence

What Could Be Causing Your Symptoms?

Because urological symptoms can often be related to multiple medical conditions varying in severity, it is important to seek medical attention from our experienced and knowledgeable team so that we can provide a proper medical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan.

Many times, urological symptoms, especially in women, point to urinary incontinence. Because symptoms of urinary incontinence include the involuntary loss of urine, it can be something that women do not want to discuss due to embarrassment.

But if you experience these symptoms, you are not alone—and help is available! Our team can put together a treatment plan to help reduce symptoms so that you can get back to living your life without worry.

So, what are you waiting for? Give our team a call today!

Are you ready to talk with one of our professionals about your symptoms? Give our team a call today to schedule an appointment!