Maintaining Urinary Tract Health | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

We all know summer is swimsuit season, the time of year when many people focus on exercises to make their bodies look better in minimalist outfits. We support those efforts, since overall health is urinary health and vice-versa.

This is also a great time of year to ensure your urinary tract is in optimal health. As we age, most of us will experience changes in urinary function, but avoiding or reducing those issues is largely a matter of protecting your overall health.

Tips for Bladder Health

  • Drink plenty of water. This is pretty much tip No. 1 on every list of health tips, isn’t it? And it’s true for bladder health, too. While some serious health conditions can limit your need for or ability to process liquids, medical advice suggests anywhere from four to six cups of water per day to a gallon of water per day.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can wreak havoc on your body, including your bladder and urinary tract. The elements of getting to and staying at a healthy weight, including eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, are also critical components to promoting overall health.

  • Go when you need to. We all have those busy days when it seems impossible to step away for even a few minutes to visit the restroom. However, it’s important to use the facilities when you need to because regularly holding in urine can stretch the bladder, which can make it difficult for the bladder to release urine when necessary. And, when you finally do go, ensure you fully empty your bladder to help prevent infections.

  • Do pelvic floor exercises. This effort, commonly called Kegel exercises can build up the muscles used in urination and defecation. And despite pop culture discussion that makes this seem like a women-only activity, men can also do Kegels.

For more help maintaining urinary tract health and treatment including pelvic floor rehabilitation, contact Tennessee Valley Urology Center.