Now's the Time to Focus on Bladder Health | Tennessee Valley Urology Center
People hardly ever think about their bladder until they need to go to the restroom. However, your bladder is extremely important to your overall health.
During Bladder Health Month this November, our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to know how you can keep your bladder healthy for years to come!
Keep Your Bladder Healthy
While there are some bladder issues that arise no matter what, there are some steps you can take in order to keep your bladder as healthy as can be!
First, you want to make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids in order to stay hydrated. Water is the best beverage of choice—and to stay properly hydrated, try to sip consistently throughout the day.
Since you are drinking more water, it would also be best to cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, soda and tea.
Second, if you are a smoker, quit smoking. Not only can smoking put you at an increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease, it can also increase your risk of bladder cancer, since it damages the lining of the bladder.
Finally, you want to make sure you are following healthy habits, such as exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. Exercise can help to lower the risk of bladder problems, and it can also help to prevent constipation.
Eating certain foods that soothe rather than irritate your bladder is also important to your overall bladder health. Foods that are considered bladder-friendly include:
- Water
- Low-fat or whole milk
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Fruits
- Vegetables
And finally, remember: When you feel the need to urinate, do it! By going to the bathroom when you need to, you are able to lower your risk of experiencing bladder problems.
When you hold your urine, you run the risk of weakening your bladder muscles, which can make a bladder infection more likely and contribute to incontinence issues.
Do you think you might be experiencing bladder problems? Make an appointment with Tennessee Valley Urology Center today. We are here to help!