Promote Prostate Health With Healthy Living | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

Too often men ignore their prostates until they’re dealing with health issues related to them. That may be because the medical system is more focused on catastrophic care, rather than maintenance. Or it may just be that men prefer to think of themselves as invincible or feel uncomfortable discussing the health of sensitive parts of their bodies.

No matter the issue, the fact is there are some simple practices that can help keep the prostate healthier. Fortunately, according to the folks at Harvard Health Publishing, the habits that can help promote prostate health are also the ones we should all have to preserve whole-body health.

Tips for Promoting Prostate Health

  1. Get regular exercise. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Doing so promotes whole-body health that also benefits your prostate. Harvard’s Health Professionals Follow-up Study found that men who are more physically active are less likely to suffer from prostate issues.

  2. Eat a healthy diet. Ensure you “eat the rainbow,” meaning a wide variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines recommends at least five servings per day of those healthy foods, as well as a diet that is low in unhealthy fats and sugar.

  3. Don’t smoke. Tobacco use is a risk factor for all types of cancer, but studies have found a link between smoking and prostate cancer mortality. One 2018 study discovered that men who smoked were more likely to have their prostate cancer spread and to die from the cancer.

  4. Talk with your doctor. Obviously you should talk with your general practitioner or a urologist if you experience symptoms that indicate you’ve developed prostate issues. However, going for regular visits with a doctor and being honest about any changes in urinary function you notice could provide a window for preventing development into serious issues.

If you have concerns about symptoms or need treatment for a prostate health issue, the specialists at Tennessee Valley Urology Center are ready to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.