Put an End to Kidney Stones | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

In recognition of National Kidney Month this March, our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to gain a better understanding of one of the most common conditions plaguing the kidneys—kidney stones.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, one in 10 Americans will have a kidney stone at some point during their lifetime. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take in order to reduce your chances of getting or having recurring kidney stones:

Stay Hydrated

Sweating is a part of daily life. Most of us sweat on a hot day, and we almost always sweat when getting in a workout. However, sweat can increase our risk of getting kidney stones, as loss of water can lead to loss of urine—which can then lead to kidney stones.

Therefore, you want to make sure you are staying hydrated throughout the day, especially if you are working out or participating in an activity that causes you to sweat a lot. You want to make sure you are replenishing the water you are losing throughout the day.

Also, limeade and lemonade have been found to help treat and prevent kidney stones, as they are full of citrate.

Watch Your Calcium Intake

While some people think that the calcium in their diet is what is causing them to keep getting kidney stones, that’s not usually true. Actually, when people follow a diet low in calcium, they can increase their risk of getting a kidney stone.

Instead of reducing your calcium intake, you actually want to lower the intake of sodium in your diet.

Take Action When a Kidney Stone Occurs

Unfortunately, if you experience a kidney stone, you are more likely to have a recurrence. Therefore, it is important to seek the medical attention of a urologist so that you can discuss possibly taking medications and making dietary adjustments in order to lower the chance of having another kidney stone.

Are you tired of living with kidney stones? Make an appointment today with one of our professionals at Tennessee Valley Urology Center who can help you in better managing your urological condition.