Staying Healthy During the Holiday Season | Tennessee Valley Urology Center
‘Tis the season for food and fun! But it can also be the season for bladder problems if you are not careful.
That’s why our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants to share some tips on avoiding problems and staying healthy during the holiday season.
Simple, Bladder-Friendly Ways to Enjoy the Holidays
When it comes to the feasts of the holidays, moderation is key!
First, you want to make sure that you are watching your sugar intake, as well as limiting foods that are rich and acidic. When you consume too many foods that are rich and sugary, you’re at a higher risk of bladder irritation.
An irritated bladder can cause a number of symptoms:
- Burning during urination
- Pain during urination
- Tenderness in abdomen
- Frequent need to urinate
- Blood in urine
- Cloudy, foul-smelling urine
- Low-grade fever
In addition to food, you want to watch your beverage choices. While you might want to toast or enjoy the holiday party with a glass of wine or two, you want to remember that alcohol is a known diuretic, which means you may need to take more trips to the restroom!
As a result, you may want to limit your alcohol intake, as well as your intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea, as they are also diuretics and can cause bladder issues.
You want to be sure you’re drinking plenty of water during the holiday season—as it can help you to stay hydrated and alleviate many of the bladder problems associated with these other beverages.
You can also help keep your bladder healthy and functioning at its best during the holidays by using the restroom when the urge hits. Holding it in—which is oh so easy to do during fun parties and other events—can lead to irritation and even infections.
Are you starting to experience bladder problems? Make an appointment with Tennessee Valley Urology Center today. We are here to help!