Types of Urologic Cancer | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

Did you know that February 4, 2018, is recognized as World Cancer Day? Across the globe, governmental bodies, health organizations, and individuals strive to educate their communities about cancer. The mission of World Cancer Day is to save millions of preventable deaths each year through education and increased awareness. Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants to help our community better understand urologic conditions including cancer.

There are several kinds of urologic cancer. Some of these cancers are experienced by both men and women, like bladder and kidney cancer. Other types are gender specific–for instance, testicular cancer occurs in men men and vaginal cancer occurs in women.

Common types of urological cancers include:
Male-specific cancers
Prostate cancer happens within the prostate gland, a walnut-shaped gland that produces prostate fluid. Although it is one of the most common types of cancer in men, it is usually very treatable, particularly when caught early.

Related: Get the facts on prostate cancer.

Testicular cancer develops inside one or both testicles, but frequently occurs in only one testicle. This type of cancer is most common in younger men, but may occur in men of any age. Testicular cancer is quite treatable and can usually be cured. Men should perform monthly testicular self-exams to check for lumps or changes in their testicles.

Penile cancer occurs on the skin or within the tissues of the penis. The majority of penile cancers involve squamous cell cancers discovered on the foreskin or head of the penis. When penile cancer is found early, it is typically curable.

Cancers that can occur in either gender

Bladder cancer usually happens in older adults, but people of any age can get bladder cancer. Most commonly, bladder cancer develops in the cells that line the bladder. Bladder cancer tends to be found early since it often causes blood in the urine. When caught early, it is also highly treatable.

Kidney cancer typically occurs as renal cell carcinoma–causing tumors on the kidneys. According to the Mayo Clinic, kidney cancer is on the rise, most likely due to improvements in diagnostic imaging.

Adrenal cancer occurs within the adrenal glands which rest on top of the kidneys. Most adrenal cancer causes tumors, and it may be treated if caught early, assuming the tumors haven’t spread to other organs.

Anytime you have questions about a urologic condition or cancer, Tennessee Valley Urology Center is here to help. You can call us at (423) 472-3201 or visit our website to learn more about our convenient and compassionate office.