What Can I Do to Avoid Kidney Stones? | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

When we think of kidney stones, it’s natural for us to think of them happening to middle-aged people and older. While that is still mostly true, it’s not as true as it used to be.

In the past 10 to 20 years or so, kidney stones have become more and more common among children and teens.

So, why is this happening, and what can you do to lower your risk of developing this extremely uncomfortable condition?

Well, the answer is to strive to be healthier overall, and our Tennessee Valley Urology Center team explains some of the specifics of how to do that below.

Ways to Lower Your Kidney Stone Risk

If you believe you may be dealing with a kidney stone, our medical providers at Tennessee Valley Urology Center can provide the help you need! Don’t hesitate to reach out today to schedule an appointment or with any other kidney-related questions.