What Experts Wished You Knew About Your Bladder | Tennessee Valley Urology Center
The bladder is an often overlooked organ in our bodies–until we encounter a problem! Your friends at the Tennessee Valley Urology Center have gathered a few surprises for you–a collection of bladder facts your urologist wants you to know.
Believe it or not, bladder problems are not an inevitable part of the aging process.
Virtually all bladder conditions are treatable, and many times that treatment won’t mean medication or surgery. Many bladder conditions may be controlled through lifestyle changes.
The more fluids you drink, the more urine you make… and the sooner you’ll have to empty your bladder. For many people, frequent urination is completely normal simply because they consume so much liquid.
It’s not just what you drink that affects bladder symptoms. What you eat matters too. For many folks, their bladder symptoms get worse when they eat spicy or acidic foods.
Even healthy bladders contain small amounts of bacteria. Because the bladder, uterus, and bowel are all right next to each other, they can each affect the other.
Bladder conditions are most common in girls, young women, the elderly and those with dementia.
Regularly holding your urine can impact your long-term bladder health. If you have limited access to bathrooms at school or work, you may be more likely to hold their urine for long periods of time. In the short-term, holding your urine can lead to a UTI, and in the long-term you could develop more serious bladder conditions.
Related: Bladder pain? Here are the most common reasons.
Talking about bladder symptoms can be embarrassing, but it’s so important for your well-being. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any symptoms, and we’d be happy to help! Visit our website today to learn more about our services.