What Is Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation? | Tennessee Valley Urology Center
Most people go through their lives without ever considering the muscles that support the urological system because those always work exactly as expected.
However, for a portion of the population the pelvic floor, as that group of muscles is known because it forms a sort of floor within the pelvis, can be the source of regular problems. From mild incontinence to serious pain and organ prolapse, the issues run the gamut, but all degrade the quality of life for sufferers.
Conditions Related to Pelvic Floor Issues
Pelvic floor issues are more common among women and are often caused by pregnancy, which strains the muscles of the pelvic bowl. However, men also deal with these problems, which can also be brought on by trauma, hernias and even daily habits.
While symptoms vary from person to person, some of the signs of pelvic floor dysfunction include:
- Frequent need to urinate and a feeling of urine remaining in the bladder
- Difficulty in having bowel movements and an inability to fully void the bowel
- Bladder or bowel incontinence
- General pain in the groin, or pain during sex or urination
- Lower-back pain that lingers and has no other explanation
Treating Pelvic Floor Issues
Our board-certified urologists are trained in the latest treatments for pelvic floor issues and have decades of experience providing compassionate care for those conditions.
Diagnosis will include a review of your symptoms and medical history to determine if you’ve dealt with conditions or life circumstances that make pelvic floor issues more likely.
While having one in your history isn’t a guarantee you’ll have pelvic floor issues, nor does it guarantee conditions are caused by those, it does give our medical professionals a good place to start in checking you.
The diagnosis will likely also include an assessment of the muscles in the area, which may include external and internal evaluation, as well as several tests. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, the treatment plan will focus on improving the strength and function of the muscles and will likely include behavior modifications and exercises to strengthen the muscles. Your doctor will walk you through the options and the treatment that’s likely to provide the best results for you.
The doctors at Tennessee Valley Urology Center have years of education and experience treating every urological condition that impacts children and adults. If you’re dealing with one, call us today to get started with a world-class treatment plan that can restore your quality of life.