What You Need to Know About UTIs | Tennessee Valley Urology Center

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are an incredibly common ailment that impact millions of Americans every year. Still, there’s a lot most people don’t know about UTIs, from what causes them to how serious they really are.

Whether you’re looking for help preventing UTIs or you think you might have one and need help dealing with it (First tip: Call your medical caregiver for diagnosis and treatment.), Tennessee Valley Urology Center is here to help.

Here are some important details you may need to know:

What Is a UTI?

UTIs happen when bacteria gets into the urinary system, typically through the urethra—the tube through which urine is evacuated from the body—and causes an infection. They can impact the entire urinary tract, causing inflammation and tenderness that can make urination painful and difficult.

What Causes a UTI?

As we said above, UTIs are caused by bacteria getting into the urethra and causing an infection in the urinary tract. It’s actually fairly easy for bacteria to get into the urethra, since it does not end in a tightly closing sphincter, and it’s especially easy for that bacteria to make it far enough into the system to cause an infection in women because women’s urethras are shorter than men’s.

What Are the Symptoms of a UTI?

The symptoms of a UTI vary from person to person and can change based on the severity of the infection, though some infections may cause no symptoms. Among the signs that could indicate a UTI are:

  • Frequent, urgent need to urinate
  • Pressure in the lower pelvis
  • Pain in the side, abdomen or pelvis
  • Painful or difficult urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Abnormal urine color or strong odor
  • Lower back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

What Are the Treatments for UTIs?

The greatest danger from UTIs is their potential to spread from the bladder to the kidneys, which makes early diagnosis and treatment crucial with UTIs. In most cases, UTIs can be treated with antibiotics that target and eliminate the infection.

The experienced, caring medical experts at Tennessee Valley Urology Center are ready to help you deal with every condition that impacts the urinary tract. If we can help, call us today.