Most people go through their lives without ever considering the muscles that support the urological system because those always work exactly as expected. However, for a portion of the population the pelvic floor, as that group of muscles is known because it forms a sort of floor within the pelvis, can be the source of regular problems. From mild incontinence to serious pain and organ prolapse, the issues run the gamut, but all degrade the quality of life for sufferers. Read on →

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, an annual campaign to draw attention to the causes and effects of alcoholism and equip communities to deal with drinking problems. We figure that makes this a great time to consider the impacts the overconsumption of alcohol can have on the urinary system. In the short-term, alcohol can increase urine production and cause bladder irritation. Fortunately, most people who drink only have a drink or two infrequently and that increased need to visit the restroom may be the only impact to the urinary system. Read on →

If you follow us on social media, you know we’re always proud to talk about our compassionate, experienced doctors. All four of them dedicated their lives to learning how to provide the best care for every urologic condition that afflicts children and adults—and to constantly improving the care they offer by practice. But what exactly does it mean when we say they’re board-certified urologists and what does it take to earn that distinction? Read on →

Type 2 diabetes brings a long list of its own complications and challenges, so it’s hard to think about it increasing risks for many other conditions. Among that list is kidney disease, a serious illness that includes the gradual loss of kidney function. If you have Type 2 diabetes or love someone who does and you’re looking into what that could mean, here’s some information about the link between the two conditions and what development of kidney disease can entail. Read on →

The widely circulated recommendations about how much water you should drink vary significantly, from “only drink when you’re thirsty” to specific and sometimes very high numbers of ounces. All that can leave people confused and anxious about whether they’re getting the right amount. The truth is, there isn’t one set rule that’s right for every person in every situation. One day you may need more water because you’re working outside in the hot sun, while the next day spent on the couch may lower your hydration threshold. Read on →

Incontinence isn’t something most Americans know much about and it’s certainly not something we bring up in general conversation. That’s despite the fact as much as 17% of women and 11% of men deal with the condition. So, let’s talk a little about this common condition that not only becomes a persistent issue for some, but also can be a temporary bother for many more. What Is Incontinence? Urinary incontinence is, at its simplest, a loss of control of the bladder that can lead to small dribbles or even significant leaks. Read on →

The bladder is one of the most important parts of your urinary tract, but few people know much about it beyond that it’s urine’s last stop before it’s evacuated to the toilet. If you’re curious about this crucial little but mighty bit of tissue, read on to learn all about the bladder. What Does the Bladder Look Like? The bladder looks a bit like a cross between a football and a balloon, though its exact shape and size changes depending on how much urine it’s holding. Read on →

The turn of a calendar page provides a great time to think about new beginnings, a fact humans have known for longer than the phrase “New Year’s resolution” has even existed. And getting healthy is a perennial favorite in that goal setting, with millions of Americans pursuing a related goal for at least a few days in early January each year. If you’re in that club this year, here are some ways you can work to protect and improve your urologic health as part of those efforts: Read on →

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to not only help your child stay healthy but to build a foundation for good health over her or his lifetime. Among the most important parts of that is ensuring your child stays properly hydrated, which helps with whole-body health. How Much Water Should Children Drink? It’s important to note experts do not recommend giving small babies any water in most cases, since they get all the hydration they need from milk or formula. Read on →

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are an incredibly common ailment that impact millions of Americans every year. Still, there’s a lot most people don’t know about UTIs, from what causes them to how serious they really are. Whether you’re looking for help preventing UTIs or you think you might have one and need help dealing with it (First tip: Call your medical caregiver for diagnosis and treatment.), Tennessee Valley Urology Center is here to help. Read on →