Too often men ignore their prostates until they’re dealing with health issues related to them. That may be because the medical system is more focused on catastrophic care, rather than maintenance. Or it may just be that men prefer to think of themselves as invincible or feel uncomfortable discussing the health of sensitive parts of their bodies. No matter the issue, the fact is there are some simple practices that can help keep the prostate healthier. Read on →

You may know cranberries as a holiday staple or even as one of the first fruits cultivated in the United States, but did you also know they can provide huge benefits for your kidneys and urinary tract? Cranberries are known to help prevent urinary tract infections (UTI), which lead to nearly 10 million doctor visits each year and can progress to serious infections of the kidneys. The fruit contains compounds that block e. Read on →

We are all guilty of making excuses when it comes to getting in our 30 minutes of exercise a day. However, one excuse that can hold some ground is bladder leakage—but not anymore! Our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants to share some tips about how you can get in your workout for the day without having the fear of bladder leakage during your exercise routine. Now Is Not the Time to Quit! Read on →

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that there are more than 54 million people living in the United States with arthritis. What you may not know is arthritis can cause more than just pain, swelling and/or stiffness in joints. Arthritis can also cause issues with your bladder. During Arthritis Awareness Month, our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to understand how living with arthritis can also increase a person’s risk of bladder conditions. Read on →

To say we are under a lot of stress lately is an understatement. During these unexpected times, many of us are under a great deal of stress when it comes to our jobs, family, finances and life in general. All that stress can wreak havoc on your health, particularly if you aren’t taking steps to manage it effectively. Our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to understand the impact stress can have on your bladder, as well as what you can do to better manage your stress. Read on →

The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. And the pollen is certainly starting to fill the air, as the spring season is upon us. However, while we usually think about seasonal allergies affecting our sinuses, such as with itchy, watery eyes, a scratchy throat and/or nasal congestion, seasonal allergies can also take a toll on another part of our body—our bladder. Our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to know how to tackle allergy season this spring, as well as ways to know whether your bladder issues might be due to seasonal allergies. Read on →

In recognition of National Kidney Month this March, our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to gain a better understanding of one of the most common conditions plaguing the kidneys—kidney stones. According to the National Kidney Foundation, one in 10 Americans will have a kidney stone at some point during their lifetime. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take in order to reduce your chances of getting or having recurring kidney stones: Read on →

March is National Kidney Month. We think that’s the perfect opportunity to provide you with insight about how to keep your kidneys running as efficiently as possible! Read on as our Tennessee Valley Urology Center team shares some tips for optimal kidney health. Take Care of Your Kidneys Did you know? One in three people living in America are at high risk for developing kidney disease today. Are you one of them? Read on →

When a couple tries to conceive, it can be extremely hard both physically and emotionally when it doesn’t happen naturally. While infertility is often considered an issue related to women’s health, a third of infertility cases are related to male infertility. Our team at Tennessee Valley Urology Center wants you to know that if you are a male who is affected, you are not alone. We are here to help guide you through male infertility so that you can find a treatment that best fits your needs and gives you the end result you desire. Read on →

Myth: Bladder issues are a normal part of aging. Fact: Bladder issues do not have to be a normal part of aging. According the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, around 13 million people living in the United States have incontinence—with twice as many women suffering than men with the condition. And though that number alone is high, incontinence isn’t the only bladder issue we face as we age. Read on →